Video of session on ‘What we learned’
In this video key members of our organising team download the details on everything we learned in running the Impact Unconference. We had 350 attending 6 zoom rooms and 38 sessions. So we learned a lot and really tried to build community and connection despite it being held online.
00:00: Welcome and intro from Erica Austin
01:01: Background to Unconference by Steven Moe
05:31: Intro to handbook, how session runs by Erica
06:48: Team structure and culture by Hannah Smith
10:23: Curation and Project Management by Erica
17:54: Communications and Social media by Jessie Cross
25:24: Dedicated Connection space by Hannah Smith
31:03: Programme Design by Erica
34:03: Technology by Dennis Parker
40:09: Feedback and follow up by Libby Paulin
45:28: Answering Questions from participants
1:12:05: End
The learnings document can be downloaded above
Big thanks to the authors of that Erica Austin, Hannah Smith, Natasha Zimmerman, Camia Young, Jessie Cross, Barry Grehan, Dennis Parker, Libby Paulin and Steven Moe (as well as all the other people who gave feedback and thoughts to shape it!).
Thanks to those who shared on this video and to everyone who asked questions.